Message 21 of 52

Re: Digital Voice Scam

Ok guys,

Can we keep the conversation friendly and on topic please?

Thank you.


Message 22 of 52

Re: Digital Voice Scam

I think everyone has a point and made valid comments but people -ie nearly everyone reading this- can resolve the -let's call them annoyances and inconveniences- with DV but the vast majority of people out there will not have it so easy.

Most of the proponents of DV are speaking in an echo chamber/preaching to the converted. My worry is the millions out there who have no idea.

I've been using DV for 20 months and the telephone part of it is NOT DECT. I see many people saying that and it is not correct. There is part of it that meets some of the basic DECT standard but anyone who's tried connecting or mixing old (proper) DECT telephones into their DV setup will know of the problems doing so. 

Also, I've noticed my BT Paragon 650 desk telephone/s do NOT link the caller ID information to the saved library of contacts. That's either with the DV dongle or directly into the SH2. Small problem but obviously NOT a proper telephone line as we know it.

I think the best and honest description of DV would be it's a brilliant Internet solution with the voice bit stuck on with a bit of technical Velcro. 

All this talk of 'future voice' too is very unfortunate as it's not the future it's NOW. Is it true people are really getting only 7 days to move from a copper line to DV? I find that a bit hard to believe but if it's true that's not acceptable.

I'm happy with DV/fibre and would never move from it (unless it was to Virgin) as the benefits outweigh the annoyances but I do accept millions of people want a proper telephone line (and they're not going to have it for much longer). That is not available with DV obviously to any real understanding of 'telephone' to the vast majority of people.

BT and other suppliers (and everyone here) need to realise they need to bring people along with them and make it as easy and simple as possible. 

Proper telephones are a life-line and part of life for millions and not some tech game to be played about with.


Message 23 of 52

Re: Digital Voice Scam


I don't agree with some of your comments and in particular your digital phone does not connect to the SH2 base station using wifi it connects via DECT maybe not compatible with all other dect phones but DECT nonetheless

I would add that I have had DV for 2yrs now

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Message 24 of 52

Re: Digital Voice Scam

Hi guys,

To clear up any confusion, I am just adding a quick line from an official standpoint to confirm that the handsets connect to the Smart Hub 2 via DECT and are not connected over wireless.



Message 25 of 52

Re: Digital Voice Scam

Yes, the BT supplied kit (Advanced, Essential & Alexa handsets & the Digital Voice Adapter) are very definitely DECT. I never suggested wi-fi was involved at any stage.

Plugging older DECT telephones (or nearly any telephone) into the SH2 does make them operate but as I said I've found problems with old (ie 2 or 3 years old) BT kit.

You can also connect old DECT telephones to the internal DECT system in the actual hub (ie not the RJ socket) but again there's problems (no date or time sharing just one) and no interlinking of contacts or some other operational use.

SH2 is DECT but I think it will be the absolute basic operation from my testing. I doubt anyone has really tested very much and the DECT thing has just been a tick box exercise.

I do know in 10 years time it won't matter but this is happening now and millions upon millions of people are and will be scratching their heads.

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Message 26 of 52

Re: Digital Voice Scam

Surely it is only your existing DECT phones that connect go the socket on the router. The DIGITAL handsets provided from BT only connect over WiFi.

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Message 27 of 52

Re: Digital Voice Scam

Oh for goodness sake, the BT hub is a DECT base station which the Digital handsets connect to.

The socket at the rear is just an analogue port.


Message 28 of 52

Re: Digital Voice Scam


did you read any of the previous posts including mod message 24

again it is DECT not wifi

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Message 29 of 52

Re: Digital Voice Scam

Apologies, please forgive my confusion.  As connecting the handsets uses the WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) button, I (incorrectly) assumedthey used WiFi. I understand now.

Message 30 of 52

Re: Digital Voice Scam

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