Message 1 of 11

Digital voice....

So I've just been transitioned to digital voice despite requesting that I didn't want to change as we have no mobile signal and I don't want to be left with no phone if we have a power cut (happens quite often) or if the broadband goes down ( happens regularly). After the predicted all day faff of reinstalling all the devices to the so called smart hub ( which can't be spilt into 2.4 and 5ghz channels like my old one used to be able to) I now can't use any of my 2.4ghz lamps or cameras as the hub is smart enough to ignore these. To say I'm annoyed is an understatement. Then BT want my old router back and were kind enough to include a postage paid label with the new router. Today I've received an envelope with a plastic bag and another postage paid label to retuned the router. This is apparently BT's commitment to being a green organisation according to the comms that came with it. So the end result is that I have a bunch of devices that I can't use but it must be better because BT says it is and they're saving the planet by sending me plastic bags that I don't need. Oh, and of course they've told me that the reason for the changeover is a that they're replacing the old copper wires with superfast fibre but the new router still plugs into the same socket and we're still on FTC - and the cabinet is half a mile away.  BT are a national disgrace but the reality is there's no other option as all the others have to use their network.

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Message 2 of 11

Re: Digital voice....

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Message 3 of 11

Re: Digital voice....

Thanks for the automatic reply. Another BT nonsense which doesn't help at all.....

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Message 4 of 11

Re: Digital voice....

Sigh, of course you can still use your 2.4Ghz devices, the hub transmits both frequencies.

Folks have problems because the setup arrangements involve using a smart phone connected to the devices in ad-hoc mode. If the phone is connecting to the hub at 5Ghz it won't  connect to the devices at 2.4Ghz. Simply temporarily turn off 5Ghz on the hub to force your phone to use 2.4Ghz. Once everything has been set up, restore the 5Ghz signal.

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Message 5 of 11

Re: Digital voice....

Sigh - yes done that but they still don't work even though they show on the router as connected. As soon as I turn the 5ghz back on they disappear.

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Message 6 of 11

Re: Digital voice....

Then your phone is still trying to connect in ad hoc mode rather than via the hub

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Message 7 of 11

Re: Digital voice....

It is a pity you had not checked the forum about replacing existing hub with new SH2 and you would then just have changed the  SH2 SSID to that of existing hub and also used existing WiFi password and existing devices would have connected without all the hassle

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Message 8 of 11

Re: Digital voice....


Two things.

1. Turn off the 5GHz wifi. If you're still on FTTC then there's absolutely nothing to be gained by connecting to it.

2. On the 2.4GHz band turn off the Smart Channel option - not sure exactly what it's called - and select and fix to a channel.

There are apps that allow you to see what congestion there is and help you to select the least congested channel.

And a 3rd thing, ensure that any devices connecting do not use Private Addressing (that's what it's called in iOS) as this can fill up the address table in these "smarthubs" and cause connection issues.

Message 9 of 11

Re: Digital voice....

Thanks, will try that option with the smart channel. Out of my knowledge a bit here - why does private addressing fill up the tables?

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Message 10 of 11

Re: Digital voice....

I'd never even considered that - thanks. Why on earth don't BT let people know this - it would save a whole world of pain.
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