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Message 31 of 34

Re: Number changed when moved to digital voice

Hi @Sarahh11 

Thanks for posting and sorry, you've had this experience when switching to us.

I can have this investigated for you to find out whats happening with both your Broadband and your original telephone number.

I've sent you a private message asking for some further details.



Message 32 of 34

Re: Number changed when moved to digital voice

Thank you for your reply.

I haven’t switched, BT customer for many years. Needed to add broadband to the line, forced into having digital voice too. Guaranteed/promised/assured it would not affect the landline number.

Broadband activated on Monday, but didn’t work, landline number had changed, can’t dial in on it and rings out on a different number.

Customer service could not say why or help, just told I had to wait and couldn’t tell me that the number would be reinstated.

Engineer came today and confirmed that we have a cross line, hooked up to Sky number. He said as soon as Openreach rectify this, broadband will work and number will be restored.

BT customer service/ tech advise have told me the engineer is wrong and we will still have to wait for another Engineer to come out on Monday.

I have called about 5 times, spoken to a different person every time and each one tells me a different thing. The latest one today said that even when openreach uncross the lines broadband won’t work without engineer visit!

at a loss as to who to believe, just need our original phone number back, don’t care if broadband doesn’t work, I will just cancel it if needs be.

thank you

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Message 33 of 34

Re: Number changed when moved to digital voice

Just reply to the PM that @StuartH has sent you. The mods will take full ownership of the problem until resolution.

Message 34 of 34

Re: Number changed when moved to digital voice

Thank you I will, just saw the private message, so will give him all the details in the morning, thank you for your help.

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