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BT Mail Service

BT Mail Service

0 Ratings

As an existing customer I haven't yet been migrated to the new BT mail service. One major drawback of the existing Yahoo mail service, (apart from spam and frequent hacking...), is the inability to view the full email source code, (not just 'the headers'), which is vital for abuse reporting and email analysis and is beautifully supported by Gmail. I hope the new BT email service also supports this useful analytical tool.

Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

If you use an e-mail client, then the full headers are shown.


By the full headers, I assume you mean the full email source code which includes the headers and the full email body source code. That is currently displayed in the email client for the existing BT/Yahoo service, but it is necessary to be able to access it in the web client as well, as Gmail does and Yahoo doesn't. I hope the new BT email web client offers that facility.