BT Vision Disk Space Remaining

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When I visit my parents, they have Sky.  I believe it takes me three button presses to get to recorded TV which shows me how much disk space they have left...


When I come home, I have BT Vision.  With all the dross, sorry scratch that, great entertainment my family records, I have to keep an eye on disk space.


How many button presses does this take... Fourteen!!  Yes, 14.  I have seen complaints to websites because it takes three or four clicks to important information, so fourteen...??!!!


Either the next gen box has to do something about this, or we NEED a shortcut, thanks.

Distinguished Guru

It only takes me 13. BT Vision, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Select, Down, Down, Select, Right, Right.  Perhaps I have a different version of the firmware. It would be a lot quicker if the menus wrapped around, so you could just hit Left a couple of times, rather than Right six times.

Recognised Expert

Why do you need to know how much disk space you have left? Any programmes which are at risk of being deleted get an exclamation mark next to them, if you're not seeing those you're not low on disk space.


Because you may not notice the exclamation marks as they'll be at the bottom of the list, I guess.


The new software shows the disk usage on the Recordings page, so you'll be able to save 10 button presses. Solution is therefore on the way.

Recognised Expert

And does the new software also highlight programmes which are scheduled for auto-deletion?


>And does the new software also highlight programmes which are scheduled for auto-deletion


Yes. There is also a filter option to allow flagged recordings to be seen more easily.