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Broadband Usage Monitor

Broadband Usage Monitor

The monitor is very useful, but;

It is difficult to view the usage monitor when it  is only available if logged in and having drilled down quite few levels.


Can the monitor be placed on the 'BT Home Hub' home page.

This way it is readily and easily available



Distinguished Sage

hi  it would not be practical as the data would be lost if the hub was powered down for any purpose there is already a usage display on the hub and also most users would not know how to acess there hub manager but  they can navigate a web site 

Aspiring Contributor
Well how about showing it on your bill how many gb you used this month i always wanted to know how many our family uses
Recognised Expert

If you go to the usage monitor and then register it as a favourite you can then go straight to it by clicking on the favourite and then logging in.