<p>See our <a href="https://www.bt.com/help/broadband/bt-cloud/getting-set-up/download-or-access-files/how-do-i-download-files--folders-and-devices-from-bt-cloud-">help page</a> for further information.</p>
Currently that wifi is provided by Virgin Media and doesn't seem to be available to BT and 3 customers. Unfortunately BT was not successful with its bid some years ago and Virgin Media beat them to it. BT has also been removing many if not all public payphones from London Underground stations, this leaves me to believe that they are no plans for wifi but could strike a deal with Virgin as when BT acquire EE, Virgin Mobile will be running on BT's network and I'm sure to keep things sweet some arrangements could be made. What you'll notice at some national rail stations in particular, St Pancras international, BT payphones have BT Wifi in the lobby. This is something they should have done with London Underground. I'm sure at some point public wifi will become part of universal service obligations like payphones. They are both essential and BT really should invest in both and converge both similar to what Arqiva has done.
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