Infinity 2 without Landline

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This bugs me somewhat that I have to have an active landline just for my Infinity 2 package, as I am sure it does a lot of others as well.


As it it Fibre optic and not copper there is no need to have an active landline and have to pay line rental for a phone that I don't use, and I am also penalised for not making calls and charged an extra £2 something a month on top of this, everyone in my house has mobiles and so the landline is completely obsolete, yet I find myself getting stung with line rental and additional charges I don't want, As Virgin is offerning the choice a change of providers in the near future may be my only choice.


My suggestion would be to allow customers the choice if they are on fibre lines whether or not they want to have an active  phone line.

Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage
Its only Optical as far as the cabinet, the rest of it uses your landline, as its copper.
Aspiring Contributor

I had my infinity 2 package up and running 2 days before my landline was activated, so it is possible Smiley Happy

Recognised Expert

You would still have to pay some landline fee towards the maintenance of the local loop (i.e. cables, poles and cabinets) but it might be less because, eventually, when everyone moves to VoIP, BT won't have to maintain local exchanges, buildings etc.


So it's in BTs interest to encourage people to move to VoIP instead of local loop analogue phones, and a reduction in line rental is probably more realistic than expecting to pay none at all.