Participating threads with new content at the top?

Participating threads with new content at the top?

It's common to have more than the first page of threads showing as containing new messages. It would be very handy if threads that you've posted to with unread content went to the top of the first page.

Community Manager - Retired
Status changed to: More Feedback Needed
Again another good suggestion...would others find this useful too? Thx Kerry
Recognised Expert

I tried the "Automatically subscribe me to topics I participate in" option, but that's not IMHO very useful. You get an email that tells you who has replied with a link to see the reply.


I really do think it would be better if topics you'd posted to went to the top of the unread topics in each forum. They have a little arrow to show that you posted, but if there are more than a page of unread topics it's easy to miss them in a quick scan.

Alternatively, a bit like Windows Live Mail's Quick View, we could have a virtual forum called, say, My Conversations which showed all the topics you've contributed to across all the forums and so the topics with unread messages would be at the top.

Recognised Expert

I would like a My Threads button that gave me all the threads I had started and a Contributed button that gave mae all the threads I had contributed too. 

Naturally the second would include the first.  Default sort would be by last updated but the ability to sort using other criteria would be useful.