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Positive Comments and Feedback

Positive Comments and Feedback

0 Ratings

How about a section somewhere on the Community Forum for exclusively positive comments for customer to give credit when it is due. Otherwise, they may be lost in the melee.

Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

I think this is a good idea but forums by there very nature are where customers come to complain because they have a problem. Very few come to the forum to say how good their service us or has been so the number of positive post would be few and give wrong Impression

Aspiring Contributor

Thank you for your comment. I undestand your concern but you could look at it another way. It might give the wrong impression listing just the problems people experience without balancing with some positive comments. I am new to the forum and made some comments on my experience after "chats" with the overseas call centres. However, when I experienced really good service and a positive experience I wanted to be fair and to say so. However, I was unable to find the best place to do this. Perhaps the forum could also be seen as a place to post both positive and negative views, this might provide some balance.


When I first looked at the forum I was horified at the comments and wondered if I should move to an alternative provider. This feeling did not reflect my experience in general with BT and particularly my recent experience which was really very good. At the moment it is difficult to find any positive comments as posts are predominantly negative anyway, as you suggest.


Just a thought!

Aspiring Contributor

Just another little thought: Perhaps the carrot can sometimes intice the donkey in the right direction.