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Prioritise customer complaints.

Prioritise customer complaints.

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Why not have a system of priorities for problem resolution, along the following lines.


Where a customer has two engineer visits cancelled. Make them Priority One for Moderator intervention

Where a customer has two activation dates cancelled. Make them Priority One for Moderator intervention.



I realise that the current system is supposed to treat all complainants equally, but it seems unfair that a customer who has been waiting  two months for a resolution to a problem, has to wait in a queue.




Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

... what happens if one customer has two engineer visits cancelled and another customer has two activation dates cancelled.. who gets priority??


What do You suggest??


The suggestion was "along the following lines."  Open to interptretation by whoever is interested in the implementation of such a system.


Both Openreach and BT are surely large enough companies to be able to deal with matters such as this in a timely manner.



Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

The present system of first come first served is the only fair way to deal with problems on this forum.


Everybody thinks their problem is the most important and if you start to prioritise the problems it would mean that the "high" priority problems would be the only ones that get dealt with because as more problems come in they would keep bumping the "lower" priority ones further down the queue and they would never reach the top of the queue. 


For instance, you gave the example if somebody had two engineer visits cancelled they should be a "priority one" problem. What would you do if somebody came on the forum and reported that they had three engineer visits cancelled. Would you bump the two visit down the queue and make it a lower priority and move the three visit one up the queue and while you are doing that a four dates for activations cancelled problem comes in. Where in the queue does that get put. Is that now the priority and the other ones get bumped etc etc.


It would become an utter nightmare of a system to try and manage and would ultimately be unfair to all users.


So what do you suggest for a customer who has been waiting Two months or longer for his Broadband to be connected.



I propose that this be left to senior management to investigate as to it's feasibility, and possibly relieve forum Moderators of the task of having to resolve customers problems.









Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

If you are referring to what should they do after they have posted on this forum. Assuming that they have been offered the help of a moderator they should, in the interest of fairness to all, wait their turn in the queue the same as everybody else.


If they have waited two months before posting on the forum I'm sure they can wait another few days.


You appear to be at odds with your self. You initially posted that the moderators should prioritise problems on the forum and now you are saying it is up to senior management to implement your suggestion to relieve the moderators from the task of resolving customers problems. Not sure what you mean by that.


I hope you keep us updated with how far your suggestion gets and the feed back you get from senior management.



I originally posted  "along the following lines"  which leaves it open to interpretation. Moderation intervention was a suggestion, again open to interpretation.


My original post was an attempt to be of help. I'm sad that you do not seem to appreciate that.


The case I referred to is still awaiting a resolution.









Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

I am doing as you suggested... you left it open to interpretation, I am interpreting it and offering my thoughts on your suggestion. I do appreciate that you are trying to help and I am sad that you do not want any constructive comment on your suggestion. I will leave it now to see how you get on with it.


Thank you for that.

Be interesting to see what happens, if anything.


Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

To be honest I have occasionally thought that a system of proritising mod intervention would be a good idea as some posts do seem to cry out for more urgent action than others. However, on reflection, I am really not sure how a system of prioritisation could be implemented in practice. First of all it would put an unfair pressure on the mods to prioritise posts, what would be their criteria etc. I could see it would possibly lead to posters perhaps exaggerating their problems in order to get priority treatment. Secondly, as gg has pointed out, the low priority cases would get pushed even further down the queue. The obvious answer, is for BT to increase the size of the mod team so that cases can be dealt with quicker, but I doubt that will happen. On balance, I think the current system of first come first served is probably the fairest with the resources available. As far as when mods take up the cudgels on behalf of posters, I think that the mods currently intervene appropriately and timely. Just my twopennyworth.


Thanks for your "twopennyworth" better than a farthing for the tramfare home.


I wonder if it would be possible for BT/Openreach to increase the size of their complaints teams within the UK.

Personally I've had excellent service from the mods, professional and polite at all times.


Apologies for the late reply, I've been hunting around the house for an old piece of satellite equipment, must have put it somewhere really safe!