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Re-launch BT Broadband Talk

Re-launch BT Broadband Talk

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Re-launch BT Broadband Talk and make it worth actually having.


Many people could easily ditch BT and get Virgin Media or Relish and then use VoIP such as Vonage or Skype.


BT Broadband Talk previously was mostly good for those who wanted a second line, however it did offer low cost international rates, but the point of VoIP is for cheap calls regardless to where it is. Make it worth actually renting a BT line and using Broadband over it and re-launch BT Broadband Talk.


I have heard that BT intends to switch off copper line services, whilst this is a good idea, BT should start now and possibly with a re-launch of BT Broadband Talk in attempt at moving away customers from basic copper line phone service. Not only is it aging, it's becoming expensive to maintain and is pushing the line rental up year by year.