UK Call Centres...

Here's an idea.  Why not have UK call centres with people who can speak and understand English fluently and who have been trained in proper customer service and not read the script, talk over customers and accuse them of being liars!?

Just an idea. British Telecom

Aspiring Contributor

davidM - you say this is marked as unsuitable as the idea is to improve the forum.  It doesn't say this ANYWHERE and most of the threads are NOT about the forum.  Did you mean 'anything except grovelling praise is unsuitable'??

Aspiring Contributor

Sean-H - you have fundamentally failed to understand the purpose of BT customer support.  As is obvious from these forums, their job description is 'be polite, make reassuring noises, do absolutely nothing'.  BT is a vast, bloated, near-monopoly and has the associated mind set of 'stuff the customer, where else are they going to go?'  So a 'customer with a problem' is a 'problem customer' and best left to crawl away somewhere else. 

To be fair, the trickle is becoming a haemorrhage to Sky.  Their solution? Pour billions into a bizarre game of Fantasy Football Manager!