Hi Darren,
I was wondering whether you could help. I also have the same issue. do not have the activate button on my bt page.
Hi @mattp22 Please can you try using this link to activate Discovery+? Reply back and let me know if that works.
Hi @NeilO ,
No, I get the following message:
To get set up, please head to My BT and follow the simple activation steps.
Code: WB310
Request ID - 1692458445635:g5IpATwOJQv9oXcUd-9Xf
and when I go to My BT there is nothing there to activate it.
@mattp22 thanks for giving that a go. I'll send you a private message so you can send your details to the moderation team and we'll be happy to help.
Hi, I'm also having the same problem. Had the email from BT with activate Discovery+, but no option on any of my accounts on my BT page.
Using the links on this thread I get error “Code: WB310”
Is there anything else I can try?
Yeah, tried edge on my mobile and laptop…
Its just appeared! Patience is all that was needed I guess. 🙂
I've been having trouble activating Discovery+ with my account.
In My BT, the only thing there is 'TNT Sports from EE'.
Now I've tried to activate using the links, with different devices and browsers, but the same error appears each time:
'Code: WB401
Request ID - 1692533419950:F1W1-HiDjkld_I1k9pcmF'
Haven't been able to get past this part
Hi @Syloxus As your TNT Sport is provided as part of your EE service I'd recommend posting on the EE community for help with this. Home - The EE Community