@JohnC2 I have sent you a PM with all the information requested. Thank you to everyone for the help so far.
@DavidM Hooked me up and I'm now on the correct profile, for those interested, here is my before and after:
I was hoping for a little more than 3Mbps, but I'll take it, the bump to upload is very nice as I do upload videos to Youtube sometimes. I am still within my 10 day training period though, so who knows where it'll settle.
My hub stats now:
You should see an improvement in the download speed once it settles as the noise margin is 6.1 and the target is usually 3.0 .
@TimCurtis Awesome, that would be very welcome.
Final update from me, my 10 day period is over and it went up again!
I'm absolutely over the moon with that, it's double the speed of my previous property. I feel bad for all the customers who just accept that they can't get fibre 2 when speaking to customer support.