Message 11 of 27

Re: Returning to BT from Sky - why are my connection speeds now limited?

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Ok, using the BTHomehub here's a screenshot of the noise stats - and the others around it.


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Message 12 of 27

Re: Returning to BT from Sky - why are my connection speeds now limited?

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You haven't shown the actual speed, it's the line above the first line of your screenshot. However, the max data rate and noise margins indicate you are on the wrong profile.

Call customer services and get them to realise your line is misconfigured.

Post back if you get no sense from them and we can get the mods involved.

Message 13 of 27

Re: Returning to BT from Sky - why are my connection speeds now limited?

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Apologies - here it is with the additional line:


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Message 14 of 27

Re: Returning to BT from Sky - why are my connection speeds now limited?

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That definitely confirms fibre1 profile.

Message 15 of 27

Re: Returning to BT from Sky - why are my connection speeds now limited?

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Well that's a Fibre 1 profile not Fibre 2.

Assuming  you actually ordered Fibre 2 then you've been put on the wrong profile and your line is certainly capable of attaining maximum Fibre 2 speeds as you had with Sky.

Message 16 of 27

Re: Returning to BT from Sky - why are my connection speeds now limited?

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Thanks all, comforting to know I’m not barking up the wrong tree.

I definitely ordered Fibre 2, it’s shows up on my BT account as my active broadband product and I asked the customer services team to also confirm it when they were looking at my account, which they did.

I’ll try CS and report back if no progress.

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Message 17 of 27

Re: Returning to BT from Sky - why are my connection speeds now limited?

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Ok - just spent a 2 hour plus call passed around various teams, until I reached the loyalty team who assured me they would call me back (I assume not tonight).

The summary is:

#1 - Tech Support - nothing they could do, didn't understand it themselves but kept saying the cap was a sales issue. Was told by 'sales' that I was getting what my 'package' said I'd get. After reiterating that I signed up for Fibre 2, not Fibre 2 budget, or Fibre 2 mid, or Fibre 2 premium - that there is one package with an upper limit of ~70/20 which I can certainly achieve at my address - he sent me on to the value team.

#2 Value Team - more promising initial response, couldn't understand why capped. Unfortunately, they then put me on hold with no explanation as to why... then 30 minutes later, to my surprise another person picked up.

#3 ??? Team - no idea what team they were from, seemed like I'd gone in circles a bit, but started by doing a speed test after I outlined my situation again. They confirmed again that capped at 50mbs dl. I explained that I kept hearing this was a sales issue and related to my 'package' which I said was beginning to feel a bit dishonest - id signed up to Fibre 2 under the impression there were no caps or limits and I would achieve what my infrastructure could deliver. They then passed me onto another team...

#4 - The loyalty team. I explained again my issue... they again said they would speak to sales, but rather than keep me on hold, they would call me back. Seemed genuine enough so hung up at this point. That was shortly before 9 so I assume they've shut up shop for the night now.

A 2 hour plus call... and I don't feel like I my issue was really understood nor was I given an adequate explanation as to why my service is being capped at such low values for a product which offers so much more.

Anyway... will see if there' a call back tomorrow.

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Message 18 of 27

Re: Returning to BT from Sky - why are my connection speeds now limited?

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Hmm, doesn't sound promising. Unfortunately all BTs records will show you have fibre2 but the problem is the circuit has been physically provisioned as fibre1 but BT will just take the records as being accurate.

Post back tomorrow if you don't get a call back and some progress.

Message 19 of 27

Re: Returning to BT from Sky - why are my connection speeds now limited?

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Update from yesterday.

Sadly my optimism was misplaced and with 1 minute to go before 2100 (CS closing time) no one from the loyalty team has got back to me. Monitoring my speed across today, I consistently max out around the minimum guaranteed speed of 45mbs and generally no higher, with an upload of ~8mbs.

Having consistently enjoyed my 70/20 with SKY on the same equipment for 2 years, to say I’m disappointed is an understatement. Exploring the option of returning to SKY, I noticed on their website that they now also state that for my address the best they can offer is 45 guaranteed and 50 max. I cannot believe that overnight, coincidentally at the same time I changed contract, the infrastructure in my area has deteriorated and cannot better 45/8. I assume those estimates are given to them by BT so does that demonstrate the profile for the circuit has been changed to Fibre 1 (I'm no expert in this)?

I don’t know if the moderators can help with this – but I would appreciate it, even if ultimately it proves fruitless.

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Message 20 of 27

Re: Returning to BT from Sky - why are my connection speeds now limited?

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Speed estimates are downgraded as more customers are connected to the cabinet. This is due to crosstalk between local cable pairs, and is unavoidable on VDSL, due to the high frequencies used, which copper pairs were never intended to carry.

Openreach provide expected speed ranges, based on the performance of individual customer lines. This has nothing to do with any ISP.

Re-contracting customers who may have been on ADSL, are only offered FTTC , so that means more users on the cabinet.