Message 301 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

Biggest problem I had is not being able to restore files I deleted (thought I'd downloaded them...).restore error.PNG

Maybe it was due to it being read only,  but then again I wasn't trying to upload just restore from the trash... 

Not great but I that's on me for not reporting it earlier.

0 Ratings
Message 302 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

Hi @gwoodyda1st

Thanks for coming here and providing me with a screenshot of the error. 

I'd love to help. 

When you have a moment please check your community inbox. 


0 Ratings
Message 303 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

So it's farewell now, BT Cloud. I knew you well.

I am off to the dentist this afternoon, and whatever she does to my decaying stumps it will be as nothing compared with the agony of the early versions of Cloud. Now there was software to rival Windows ME, as clunky as starting a Trabant on a freezing morning in E Berlin.

It got better - it could hardly get worse - as time went on. You sort-of had a feeling that if needed it might let you get your data back with a bit of luck and a good following wind. And a lot of patience.

Towards the end I almost got fond of Cloud as it reached a level of maturity. But then Big Bad BT (or was it EE?) killed you. 

I'm a little bit sad this morning as I picture one of the bosses pulling the switch and the lights going out on the hard disks.

0 Ratings
Message 304 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

@bobdanbh  Hate to shatter the illusion. But didn’t the original version get ported over to  Synchronoss a cloud company? That’s when things got a little unsteady and it went all trendy with the slick graphics and outsourced tech support. Yes it eventually improved back to how it was. And personally I really liked it for what it offered. But there’s no plug pulling. Just BT choosing to end their contract. Perhaps at some point it’ll come back as a paid for service. Who knows?

0 Ratings
Message 305 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

Bottom line is, BT removed a service, saving themselves money and passed all of the pain and none of the savings to their customers. Very poor. 

Message 306 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

Typical bt if they close a service due to as they say'not being used' and then reintroduce it as a paid extra. Either they are lying as to its use or will offer a paid service which no one uses - more incompetence but won't worry me as I am leaving ee mobile when my contract is up and switching to Lebara  and will look carefully at my bt broadband contract.

0 Ratings
Message 307 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

I must have started after they swapped to the glossy but buggy outsourced. It was awful.

0 Ratings
Message 308 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

@Katie_B  Just to outline whilst I downloaded all my files, I only found out about this closure by accident, as a BT customer I did not receive formal notification. I would be highly surprised if there were not thousands of customers who have their precious data held by BT and have no idea you guys are about to wipe it. Now whilst BT may have their terms and conditions to cover themselves from just shutting down the service here is a question:


Where can Customers make a claim for data loss if they can show BT has not emailed texted or called them.


0 Ratings
Message 309 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

Hi there @Paul20 

Thanks for coming here and letting us know. 

If you get in touch with us the team can get the account looked into and check what communication emails and texts have been sent to you. 



0 Ratings
Message 310 of 357

Re: BT cloud closing.

I know I'm late but is it possible to get a copy of my data? 

My PC failed and and I've had to buy a new one. There's documents in BT Cloud that's critical to the local community (and memories for myself). 

I'm unable to login. Please can you help? I'm desperate

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