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Message 21 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

sshhh... I don't want to jinx anything, but BT have allowed me to stay logged in for 2 x days now!!

0 Ratings
Message 22 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Now I've re-logged in to read this, yay ! 😉 


0 Ratings
Message 23 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Still having to log in 2/3 times a day. Looked on their page to see how I can complain about this & surprise, surprise there appears to be no option to complain about the mail service. This has been happening to me since the beginning of September.

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Message 24 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

I finally found a way of contacting BT. This was there response.

'Please be informed this is not actually a BT email page issue as the email page will time out after a certain period of time for user's safety as keeping email open on the browser for long time could lead to security threat and any of the hackers can access your emails this way easily.

If you want to keep your email logged in for long time, you can either save the password on the browser or else you can also access email via outlook or any other email clients.'

So hackers can get at my email if I stay signed in for an unspecified time but it is completely safe to keep my passwords saved to my browser!

I have raised a complaint.

Message 25 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

They have now come back to me with

'We have checked with the email backend team and they confirmed this is a known issue that they are currently working on and you can get back to us after 7-10 working days for the next update'


Message 26 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

@PaulieDDT I'm sorry to hear you still have problems, but the response you posted from the technical team made me laugh out loud. 

@DavidM Do we actually know how long a log-in should stay active before it gets timed out? I'm being logged out after a day or two using Chrome under Windows 10 on my laptop, but I signed in using Edge on 11th November and the session is still open - that's 12 days now.   I haven't cleared my Chrome cookies yet, I'm waiting until Edge times out so I can clear both sets of cookies at the same time. I don't use Edge much and have never used it to access MyBT, so I'm wondering if accessing MyBT causes the email time-outs.   

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Message 27 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Hi @PaulieDDT, sorry you're still having this problem. I've sent you a Private Message so you can get in touch with the Mod team and we'll be happy to check that this is with the correct team as 7 days to get back to you seems a bit too long.

@PeterE17, I've asked and there is no definitive time the log in should stay active as it depends on many factors. The MyBT may be one of those factors.



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Message 28 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

Quick update:  I'm still getting regularly logged out here.
Almost 5 hours before being kicked out of email this time, so the timing is quite random it seems but the issue remains for me.

0 Ratings
Message 29 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

@JohnC2 Thanks for your recent comment, although I'm not if the response from the email team was helped at all.

I was timed out of my Edge session after 15 days, so I have cleared my Chrome cookies and logged back in under both browsers.  I'll post again if this not-very-scientific comparison test yields anything interesting (of course, Chrome sessions were being timed-out without any particular patteren emerging).

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Message 30 of 141

Re: Email disconnections have returned

I'm getting fed up with the webmail logging me out three or four times a day, despite clicking the Keep me logged in option being selected (wired connection to the hub, not wifi). I was just going through emails highlighting those I wanted to delete when it just logged me out.

Also, who is the idiot that programmed the webmail to always ask for confirmation when deleting spam, but not when deleting unread emails from the inbox. Totally illogical.

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