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Message 1 of 107

New BT Email format

Both my husband and me are really frutrated with this new format. Apart from the issues many have already mentioned. We are experiencing problems trying to write emails. After the opening address - Dear etc. halfway through typing I notice that suddenly the text has jumped back to the beginning of the email before the 'Dear'. I type really fast so I thought it was me hitting a key somewhere, but he types slow and even when I type with one finger only, it's still doing it. Sometimes 5 or 6 times during the course of a short email. What's going on?

106 REPLIES 106
Message 2 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I have exactly the same problem.  Add to that it keeps changing font size and is generally so slow.  

Message 3 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Hello  I logged into my email today and also noted this annoying tendency  for the cursor  to Jump back to  the start of the Email. Why BT cant  just leave something alone that works perfectly will is beyond and comprehension. Also  you will find  confirmation of a sent email  takes forever. Leaving you wondering if its been sent. Fortunately it shows on the phone.

     To  avoid frustration writing an email  i would suggest writing in Word  and copy and paste.


Message 4 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I agree with you, but cutting and pasting kind of defeats the object of an email which is speed!
Message 5 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

This is a known problem that has been reported many times. BT are aware of it and hopefully it will be resolved soon.

If you have any further problems, which I suspect you will, have a look through this thread and the other threads on the email board of the forum and you may find a way to mitigate the problem.

BT Webmail Feedback - BT Community

Also have a look at this message.

Webmail migration update - BT Community

Message 6 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I have exactly the same issue . . . and several more niggles with this downgraded new email system.  We have been invited to share any other new issues on this community page and I will now do so.

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Message 7 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I too am having the problem that when typing an email in the new format, my curser keeps jumping to the start of the email. And so I have to return the curser to where I am typing. Happens over and over and over again. It is driving me nuts!


Oh, and that is just the worst of of many many problems with this new format I am experiencing. First there was the Post Office scandal, now there is the BT email scandal.



Message 8 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Hello: I am having issues too - I am so frustrated and ANNOYED e.g. when I open an email to reply to it, it is often very slow to show my typed text, and sometimes even crashes when I type too fast....grrrrr ....this new system is SO much worse than the prior system, what is BT playing at??? Have they also changed the MAX permitted size of email 'threads'? I am having to constantly re-start an email thread with one of my key clients, which is highly annoying, as then we cannot always track conversations and attachments. Is there is a direct telephone # I can call BT on to sort this mess out?
Message 9 of 107

Re: New BT Email format


Oh, and that is just the worst of of many many problems with this new format I am experiencing. First there was the Post Office scandal, now there is the BT email scandal.



Neil, your analogy to the Post Office scandal is in incredible poor taste. That scandal drove 4 people to take their own life, and 1000s to be deprived of their livelihood, and 100s to be absolutely wrongly convicted and imprisoned stripped off their reputation & freedom. In addition to being wrongly accused of stealing 100s of £1000s which they didn't. All because of a faulty computer system which had it's numerous flaws covered up at the highest level.

With respect, you Sir, are suffering an errant 'cursor' on a screen...

Message 10 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Just to add that I support only the first para of Neil's thread, viz: "I too am having the problem that when typing an email in the new format, my curser keeps jumping to the start of the email. And so I have to return the curser to where I am typing. Happens over and over and over again. It is driving me nuts!"
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