Message 32 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

I thought London was being moved to Digital Voice in Autumn 2023. However other than invitations to in person events it has not happened.


I believe you get one month's notice. One month would take us into 2024, not 2023. Is it delayed? We have not been sent our two new modems yet for example.

0 Ratings
Message 33 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

Event...ha ha ha.  When Leicester was switched 1 person turned up.


0 Ratings
Message 34 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

I have had 2 invitations - each to a different local place. I just felt they would not be able to answer my slightly complex questions about 2 accounts,  2 landlines, 3 lines into the house etc etc that it was pointless to attend. Also the people who need to know about this most are the ones so old they never leave their homes so a clear very large print laminated card posted to their houses with 20 key actions they need to take when they switch over may be more useful.

0 Ratings
Message 35 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

So after they've done the 3 steps needed to set up DV, what are the other 17 steps for?

Message 36 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

The unnecessary bridges that @Jane2018 thinks you need to cross before even getting to them.

Message 37 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

@Jane2018 wrote:

I have had 2 invitations - each to a different local place. I just felt they would not be able to answer my slightly complex questions about 2 accounts,  2 landlines, 3 lines into the house etc etc that it was pointless to attend. Also the people who need to know about this most are the ones so old they never leave their homes so a clear very large print laminated card posted to their houses with 20 key actions they need to take when they switch over may be more useful.

That's odd, I only had one action not "20 key actions"  to perform and that was to unplug my landline phone from the "old" telephone socket and plug it into the telephone socket on the rear of the Smarthub 2 and my phone has worked perfectly ever since.

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill and need stop posting a load of rubbish and to just wait until BT inform you that you are being moved to DV. If you have more than one landline phone etc you will be informed when each line is being changed. 


Message 38 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

You probably had the latest hug though, I don't. I will have to receive a smart hub 2 - and set it up  - I haven't set up a hub for years nor done things like new passwords for everyone at home etc. So even that is a number of different tasks.


Then I believe as I have BT call minder with a personalised voicemail I have to do complex things about the voicemail that comes with digital voice.

I hate call minder but that or many calls on the same line are enabled on the new digital voice so I have to learn complex things like how to turn those off  - even things like working out passwords and how to go on to the settings on my computer relating to the hub is something that will take a while as  I presumably only did it about 10 years ago.

I have a list and it seems to get longer and longer and so very different from plug and play that I get more and more disappointed - pity I won't be paid for my time when all I want to do is keep things as now.

0 Ratings
Message 39 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

OK so you think you will have problems when DV eventually comes your way but you do not need to repeatedly post about your perceived problems. You have posted about them many times and you have been given answers to those posts.

You will just need to wait until you get moved to DV and IF you have problems then I am sure you will then be given assistance from forum users how to resolve those problems because seeking answers to problems that you do not have at this time and most likely will not have is a pointless exercise because there is nothing you can do about it until it happens. 

0 Ratings
Message 40 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

Please note that there are members of this community that do not have the ability that you do. Not everyone is tech savvy and have genuine problems with tech talk etc. Please try to realise this. By the way BT did not send me any details of the new DV system until a letter telling me that it would go live within a few weeks. Therefore I got quite nervous about the change. Also they said to get in touch with them regarding no mobile reception which I did. BT then told me it " wasnt their problem and to get in touch with my provider" . So despite BT saying they would make the change easy they then made my initial nervousness worse.