Message 61 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

FAO the contributor who suggests that all I need to do is pull the cable from my landline and plug into my hub.

Unfortunately you have no idea of my situation and this comment is not helpful. I am disabled. I may need instant access to medical assistance. This was the crux of initial posting. I live in a remote Lake District without, and I stress without any mobile access. Therefore the BT system is my only alternative. When I received the DV hub it was not compatible with my existing power source, which had to be specially wired. Therefore I had to temporarily supply an extension cable. To enable me to wire in the hub I required an electrician to fit a power source near to the hub. I believe that the mains cable is of a specific length and therefore I couldnt graft a section in.

We are subject to many power outages due to our location and so need a constant method of communication is not always possible. With a landline this was possible and we always maintained a landline phone.

BT informed us by letter that we were due to be changed to DV within a few weeks. I contacted them regarding the possible loss of communications and was told that it was the problem of my mobile phone provider.

Therefore your comment regarding just pulling out my phone cable and plugging it into the new hub was extremely thoughtless.

The situation for the 1% of the population who will have no alternative means of communications is dire. So much so that my local MP is going to bring it up in Parliament.

Now do you understand my problem. Because you seem to assume many things I assume that you have both full access to mobile and internet signal. 

Message 62 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

0 Ratings
Message 63 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

@outlaw123 wrote:

FAO the contributor who suggests that all I need to do is pull the cable from my landline and plug into my hub.

Unfortunately you have no idea of my situation and this comment is not helpful. I am disabled. I may need instant access to medical assistance. This was the crux of initial posting. I live in a remote Lake District without, and I stress without any mobile access. Therefore the BT system is my only alternative. When I received the DV hub it was not compatible with my existing power source, which had to be specially wired. The BT Smarthub2 which you use for DV has a standard 3pin UK plug so I do not understand when you say it is not compatible with your existing power source.   Therefore I had to temporarily supply an extension cable. To enable me to wire in the hub I required an electrician to fit a power source near to the hub. I believe that the mains cable is of a specific length and therefore I couldnt graft a section in. If you previously had a BT Hub which is plugged into your electrical supply and your present phone line in order to get the Internet your "new" Smarthub2 would be a straight replacement for that.

We are subject to many power outages due to our location and so need a constant method of communication is not always possible. With a landline this was possible and we always maintained a landline phone.

BT informed us by letter that we were due to be changed to DV within a few weeks. I contacted them regarding the possible loss of communications and was told that it was the problem of my mobile phone provider.

Therefore your comment regarding just pulling out my phone cable and plugging it into the new hub was extremely thoughtless. It was not thoughtless. It is all that is needed in order to connect  your phone to the Smarthub2 in order to get DV. If you can not get a mobile signal that is another issue and has nothing to do with connecting your Smarthub2 and your phone.

The situation for the 1% of the population who will have no alternative means of communications is dire. So much so that my local MP is going to bring it up in Parliament. I hope your MP will also be addressing your many power outages with your electric supplier as that is obviously not acceptable. BT however can supply you with a free battery backup which can be used in the event of a power cut.

Now do you understand my problem. Because you seem to assume many things I assume that you have both full access to mobile and internet signal. Unfortunately I am not a mind reader and you made no mention, until now of your specific needs other than you have a medical condition, however my point still stands, you do not need to be "tech savy" as you put it, if you already have a BT hub and your present broadband is supplied through your telephone landline it is case of installing the BTSmarthub2 if you don't already have one and removing your telephone cable from the wall socket and plugging it into the rear of the Smarthub2.

If it is the case that you can not plug your phone into the Smarthub2 because of its location you can get a free of charge DV adaptor from BT and plug that into any power socket and then plug your phone into that.


Message 64 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

If this does involve a complex wiring issue then perhaps the involvement of the moderators would be appropriate?

0 Ratings
Message 65 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

Home wiring is not BT's responsibility.

BT, and other service providers, supply the service to a Master socket. Anything beyond that is the customer's responsibility.

Message 66 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

I rather got the impression it was power supply rather than the connection to the master socket, but I take your point.  Presumably the same person/company that supplied the custom power supply will need to do so again.  I still think the mods ought to take a look.

Message 67 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

Ye,s there are lots of different situations and whilst I appreciate BT is trying to keep things simple in what they tell customers I would rather the 20+ things that are different about digital voice had been explained rather than BT saying it is simple and better.


For example I would like an apology at the moment as we were told London was  being moved to digital voice by end of 2023. That seems to be untrue. So if that is untrue what is the new date?

0 Ratings
Message 68 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.


I know I am going to regret asking this but you keep banging on about the "20+ things that are different about digital voice" Can you please explain in detail what they are because it is a mystery what they are to most of us on this forum.

As regards London moving to DV by the end of 2023, I have never heard of a whole city, let alone one the size of London being moved to DV by 2023 so can you post where you got that information from.

Message 69 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

@Jane2018  Speaking for the old and alone, if you have two adult sons still at home and spending all their time on computers then surely, they would be better placed to manage this change than you?  I wish I had that much on-site support.

Message 70 of 95

Re: Digital Voice.

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