Ability to add picture's to macros, prehyperlinked photos, and also Picture's in signature's.

Ability to add picture's to macros, prehyperlinked photos, and also Picture's in signature's.

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This is what I might hope my next generation macro might look like?


Hello :),
Can you please post your ADSL stats by following this direct link; and go to A-Z (top right) and then ADSL Settings and post everything including Line Attenuation, Noise Margin, Connection Speed, and run a speedtest below:

Screen Shot 2011-10-31 at 19.00.07.png

Run a line test: EC_big_phone_24b.png      Check your Service Status:      broadband_b_24b.png
Can you also confirm if you're connected at the master socket or an extension? And what your type your master socket is according to this picture
Screen Shot 2011-09-01 at 14.30.20.jpg
Lastly for now, call 17070 and Press Option 2 for the Quiet Line test and where possible use a corded phone as DECT handsets can pick up electrical interference?  Are you connected Wirelessly or through a cable?

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