BT Wholesale Speed Test and Flash

Hello BT Community Forum Ideas folk


As an occasional contributor to the BT Community forums, I am somewhat wary of pointing people at BT Wholesale's speed tester. It has the obvious the advantage of being on the BTs network and of being a common reference point. However, when you use it on a modern browser, you are confronted with a warning that it relies on Flash and requires click-to-run on modern browsers (Chrome, Edge, failed for me on FireFox 55.0.3 today, Safari).


Adobe announced the end of flash back in July this year:


If moves are not already afoot, can you kindly consider taking a path that gives a better customer experience.





Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

Agreed, particularly as it is the only test recognised by BT and is required for diagnosing and bringing to BTWholesale's attention congestion faults.




Flash tests are a pet hate of mine

To test my speeds I use HTML in the browser (


Recognised Expert



Really no excuse for BTW not to have an up to date front end to their speed test.


BT wholesale speed test worked ok on my Windows PC up until Sept 2018.  However,  I cannot now run any speed tests using the BT wholesale speed test link which keeps saying  I don't have Adobe Flash installed. This information is completely wrong as I do in fact have Adobe Flash installed on my system and have tried a number of times to re-install it again using the BT download link available from the wholesale speed test main page but I still then keep getting the same error message when I try to run the speed test. What's the problem BT?   Anyone got an answer?