Deal more effectively with customers calling in to a call centre with a complaint.

Deal more effectively with customers calling in to a call centre with a complaint.

I only call BT if I cannot resolve my issue online or it is a complaint. My experience is 100% apalling when I call. Only the expectation of even more problems in the change prevents me changing provider.


Customer feedback only allows happy or unhappy options - there is no option for my blood is boiling, I am apoplectic or I need to lay down - which is always my experience.


Idea - everytime your customers rank your telephone customer service as AAAAAAAAAGH!! let an independent assessor award financial compensation up to the level of refunding all of their costs for that year for which your marginal cost is close to zero - i.e. most of them - and with perhaps at least a flat fee for the time the customer has had to spend on the call to BT (most of which of course is online). 


Also what about a prize for anyone who can call BT when it doesn't say - sorry we are experiencing an unusually high level of calls at the current time  etc. etc. - I never have.


Ive emailed bt twice each time told same thing " someone will contact me within 15 days"  yeah rite!!! still waiting......


why isnt there any deals for customers who have been with bt for years???Woman Frustrated Im stupidly paying between £45-£60+ every month just for broadband & phone.... ridiculous. Woman Mad When i enquire about the BT BASIC PHONE TARRIF im told get this.... 'we haven't heard of it' Woman Surprised lolololol fe real  anyways ive had enough of BT & their crappy customer services, broadband, packages....basically EVERYTHING .Woman Frustrated....   they wanna treat their long time customers better & offer us those deals they give to new customers ..... after so long with bt.... all those in favour say 'I'......... 'I'    the 'I's' win  so get it sorted BT  ffs.Woman Wink....  my vent ere is done!!!Woman LOL

Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage



phone options team who will give you a deal as an existing customer 

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