Email Improvement

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If I designed an email page I would put a little arrow at the top of the page labled "next" and another little arrow labled "previous" and you could click on either arrow and your email list page would take to the next or the previous email instead of having to go back to "Inbox" everytime and selecting the next or previous email which you wanted to look at.  I think it would be a very good idea indeed.  Smiley Mad

Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

Its there on the new BT mail, as shown on this picture, circled in red.


Aspiring Expert

For some reason I haven't got it, used to have on the Yahoo mail page.  When I open an email the choices I have are, delte - reply- reply to all - forward - move - spam - actiions.  To see the next mail or the previous one  I have to go back to "inbox" and reselect.  Since the changeover I've had loads of probs, even desktop help won't open and I've tried reinstalling it, to no avail.  I'm getting right teed off.

Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

I am not sure what you are looking at. You may be best to post this on the main forum, as this ideas bank is really for improvements to the actual forum.


Aspiring Expert

Ha, ha.  I was forwarding an improvement, all be it with tongue in cheek.  Just that since the update that particular facility has disappeared from my options and I'm not too chuffed.  Basically it's the normal BT Email page but without that previous facility since the "upgrade" to the BT new look.  It's a hard loif.  Cheers anyway.


I have such arrows on my mail boxes, one at either side. I'm still with BTYahoo.

Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

Please note, this board if for improvements to the actual FORUM itself, not for making suggestions to BT.

If you have comments about service issues, then please post them on the appropiate board, where they can be dealt with by the moderators. Thanks.