Get rid of pointless Indian Call Centres

Get rid of pointless Indian Call Centres

I've just come off the telephone to them and yet again all they do if provide BT with a first line of defence, lie and fob customers off. At no point do they even try to provide help, I'd put good money on the reason being that they can't as they are totally unqualified and are pointless from a customers perspective.


BT take heed, I refuse to spend one more minute of my time trying to hold a conversation with a call centre that obviously has a brief to ignore customers, lie and just read from a script.


All my own opinion and taken from experience.


I have to agree, the whole scripted thing is painful.  Along with the fact that they use my name on every sentence and even worse, mispronounce it.  We need our call centres in our own country, to be able to speak to somebody whose first language is English, and to create jobs over here.  


The last guy I spoke to in India was really helpful, knew what he was talking about and worked at it until he fixed the problem for me.  Today was a different case altogether.  I was just about tearing my hair out. The line was so bad as it usually is when you speak to BT'S call centre and I couldn't hear or understand half of what the lady was saying. BT engineer didn't show despite my having been sent texts reminding me how I had to be there from 1pm to 6pm and all she kept repeating was that the engineer would contact me in 48hours to arrange to come out to fix the problem. Said that he had already half fixed the problem and she blamed the engineer for not letting me know he wasnt coming.  I would like an explanation as to why BT's call centre line is so bad, why my Broadband goes down everytime BT ring me and why I am expected to sit around the house waiting for an imaginary engineer to turn up for an imaginary appointment.



Looks like I am not the only one having problems.   Seems this has been going on a long time, not clear why BT do not get it sorted.  The first proirity is elecution lessons, and then the sale of goods act, and then BT complaints procedure. 


I find the chat line easier to understand, written english seems to be ok. At least you can keep a record of the discussion.  Not that it sorts out the problems any better.  They still do not escalated the problems.  It is also very slow, I presume they are doing several chats at the same time.


I am told BT bills are correct, and I will have to pay whatever.  Well actually no I am not going to I have been promised a credit and I want it.


I have been doing so much hair tearing I am in danger to going totally bald. 






Totally agree, they really need to vet there call centre staff for basic english language skills... Its beyond frustating, and makes me want to go with a uk based broadband supplier!!!!

Had another chat. No improvement.  So much waste of time.  It must be expensive to run and yet it achieves only frustration.


 Not sure how much longer my contract for infinity lasts but eagerly awaiting the day I can ditch BT.  Pity about fon.  I can have better mobile phone deal for the money I will save.  BT calls are so expenses I make hardly any.  I think it is four in the last three months.  So apart from broadband I am paying for a phone line I do not use. Most of the incoming calls are nuisance.


Not clear why they are working so hard to get rid if customers.


Aspiring Contributor

there is zero empathy form the call centers

they ready from a script and keep on and on

they were you down until you give up!!!!


do we have rights ?

why are we being bullied by these people? we pay so much the this service

BT is the most specific service i pay for and when i have a problem now

i have to try to make my point to someone that simply doesn't care.

it never used to be like this what has happened to "British Telecom"

why do we have to go through this every time we need help?


empathy is the key most important thing in customer support!!!

that is that is what i am paying for

some one to understand what i am saying

someone that will help

not someone to tell me i have to agree to a £129 call out fee

before i have told them what the problem is


empathy, understanding, !!!

it's very simple realy that is how i do it as that is the way i was brought up.

that's the way i learnt to work.

it's not hard it's as easy as please and thank you.


Not "you must agree to pay £129 call out fee or we can not help yu"

that is not British

that is being bullied.







My broadband speed in the evening is almost zero so can't use the internet so today I have called BT broadband. It was, as usual a miserable and depressing experience, I simply don't understand why a multi national company worth billions uses the sort of people that wouldn't last 2 seconds dealing with customers if they were actually in the UK. Pedantic, reading from a script, completley inflexible, unable to pass you to a supervisor and and after a while, frankly, spiteful. 

This has been going on for years, why do BT emplyees from top to bottom in the UK let these badly trained people with primary school English be at the front line of thier company. Why?  

I have problems with these call centres every time I speak to them which has resulted in my line being restricted, failure to action on direct debits and now more preoblems with my BT infinity. Absolute joke unless you are lucky enough to get one of the very rare UK based staff who actually know what they're doing! Took over a month to deal with a complaint last time after finally getting someone in the UK who dealt with it in under 10 minutes! Talk about false economy and customer dissatisfaction!!!!!