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Secondary access for BT FON and Openzone

Secondary access for BT FON and Openzone

It would be helpful if the BT Broadband account holder could nominate one sub-account to have free access to the hotspots, in addition to the main e-mail account.


A parent could nominate a young person who may be away from home, at university or college.


This would avoid the need for the primary e-mail account details to be revealed.


The account holder would still be responsible for hotspot usage, and could suspend the access if needed.



Community Manager - Retired
Status changed to: More Feedback Needed
Another good idea Keith. I can't implement it here on the forum, but if others would find this useful, please rate the idea and provide comments and I can use as feedback to the product team. Thx
Recognised Expert
An excellent idea - I've never quite understood the thinking behind a "family friendly" product (sub-account email address for other family members, etc) but restricting access to wireless hotspots to the primary account holder.
Distinguished Sage

Yes I feel that it would be a useful feature.  


There was  post recently  where the poster wanted to do exactly what Keith mentions but did not want to give out there own password 




Cannot see why this has not already been implemented.


I totally agree, it would seem sensible that my son for example could use this whilst out and about.

Distinguished Guru
Distinguished Guru

What about a complimentary BT WiFi account to run alongside BTBB access for opted-in customers? 4000 minutes worth 39 quid a month might be a perk too far, but the 500 minutes option for sick squid could be a starter.


So does that mean that on my iPad I will have to use my husbands log in details to access the Internet? Not the most computer lit person so  would appreciate if anyone could answer this.

Distinguished Sage
Distinguished Sage

Chris23. That is correct.


i agree, it should be a service for the family, the primary account holder is only a nominated account as far as i am concerned, why should i or my wife suffer becos we chose the other as the nominated prmiary account????



Come on BT peeps, this suggestion should have been implemented long ago.

For BT WiFi we are obliged to give strangers access through our own hubs, but our own family members can't access the service we supply and pay for.